Dear Friends,

Our congregation has been part of an exciting journey since we first began praying our Breakthrough Prayer together in December 2022. During this time we have sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance, discerned the strengths and challenges in our congregation’s life together, and (nearly unanimously) accepted the gift of our MCCI prescriptions and partnership.

One of those prescriptions was an opportunity to unleash our congregation to serve through Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices to Multiply Leaders

Our prescription team has partnered with Pastor Eric and our coach, the Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey, to plan for a special worship series later this month and make preparations for each of our groups at Trinity, as well as our members and friends who aren’t actively involved in a ministry to participate, dig deeper, and discover their unique individual capacity to serve Christ.

Please take a look at the things to know and ways to sign up included in this mailing and think about when you can participate! Our team is so excited for you to be part of “magnifying God’s dreams” for our congregation through Hero Maker and discovering how we can best move forward in ministry together!

In Christ,

Your Trinity Hero Maker Team

Things to Know

  • Who should participate?

    Everyone! Whether you’re an active member, a friend of Trinity, wanting to get more involved, new, or anywhere in between, these groups are for YOU!

  • When will the groups meet?

    Groups will meet weekly for five weeks starting the week of July 28. Use one of the “ways to sign up” listed below to find a group day and time that works best for you!

  • I’m going on vacation in August… can I still participate?

    YES, and we hope you do! You do not need to be present each and every week to participate. Sign up for a group and join in when you can!

  • Do I need to read the book?

    Not unless you want to. Groups will focus both on the concepts introduced in that week’s chapter and the corresponding Sunday sermon, so you do not need to read the book in order to participate in a group.

  • How much does it cost?

    Nothing. Books are available for FREE through our congregation’s participation in the MCCI process.