Trinity Church celebrates that we are able
to gather for worship in many different ways.
On any given Sunday, you can find members and friends of our Trinity family gathering for worship in our sanctuary, in their home or around the world online on our website, Facebook page or YouTube channel, sitting by their radio, or gathered in the media room at Charleston House Assisted Living.
Our worship services begin on Sundays at 8:00am & 9:30am. Everything you need for worship will be displayed on the screen in the sanctuary. A bulletin containing announcements for the week and a brief order of everything happening in the worship service will be given to you as you come in. Please feel free to ask our ushers and greeters any question you may have. They will also have large-print materials and hearing assistance devices available to anyone that needs them.
We live-stream our 9:30am worship service each Sunday, as well as our special worship services. If you can't join us right at 9:30am, don't worry! All of our worship services are archived and can be viewed anytime.
Radio Broadcast
If you or a loved one can't join us online, you can listen to our Sunday morning broadcast at 11:00am on 95.3 FM (WBEV). This worship broadcast has been reaching those in Beaver Dam and beyond with God’s word, beautiful music, and meaningful sermons for over sixty-five years!
Charleston House Assisted Living
Residents and a few Trinity volunteers gather each week in the Media Room at Charleston House Assisted Living (104 Fakes Drive) to participate in worship via live-stream. Communion is shared on the first Sunday of the month.
Contact Deb Paul if you are interested in helping at this second worship site. If someone you love lives at Charleston House Assisted Living, let them know about this opportunity!