Youth Ministries
The Youth Ministry of Trinity Church provides programs and opportunities for youth in grades 6-12 to share Christian fellowship with others. We seek to deepen faith, nurture a love of serving, and enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it means to live for God.
We’re committed to providing
safe spaces for faith and fun.
Leaders and helpers relating to children, youth, and vulnerable adults are screened and trained in accordance with the Safe Sanctuary Policy of Trinity Church — United Methodist.
Just SOME of our Ministries & Programs:
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a two-year course (starting in 7th grade or older) where we will look at various topics within the Christian faith and discuss what they mean (or don't mean) for our lives. We examine these topics through the lenses of Scripture, Christian tradition, and our own experiences, to reason out what these topics mean for our discipleship today.
Wisconsin United Methodist Camps
Trinity Church encourages all youth to attend camp! There are many faith-filled options for all ages and interests offered by the camping ministries of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church. For more information about camps and scholarships talk to Pastor Eric or visit the Wisconsin United Methodist Camps website.