Who We Are
In 1846, five members and a lay leader formed a Methodist Episcopal church in a local Beaver Dam cabinet shop. Since that time, Methodists in our area have gathered in a variety of places, spoken several languages, and called their faith communities by different names. Today, we call ourselves Trinity Church - United Methodist.
We worship together!
Worshiping together as God’s people is at the heart of who we are at Trinity Church. Excellent music and preaching bring joy to our worship and inspiration for daily life.
We love children & youth!
Families of all shapes and sizes are an important part of our Trinity family. Kids at Trinity enjoy safe, fun Sunday School classes, Confirmation, and other engaging programs and activities.
Adults have fun, too!
Through studies, coffee & conversation, group outings, and more, we offer a variety of opportunities to grow in faith, life, and fellowship with one another. There's something for you here!
We are focused on our mission!
We are caring for all God’s people by serving those in need — making cards and blankets, hosting meals activities at Playground Movement, supporting local pantries, and so much more.
Common Questions
Absolutely — yes!
Trinity Church-United Methodist acknowledges God claims each and every person as a beloved child. No matter who you are, where you come from, how much you have, who you love, or how you identify, we welcome everyone who wishes to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. Regardless of where you are in your life and faith journey, we invite you to join us as we strive to serve each and every person, practicing the same inclusive love and intentional hospitality God so freely gives to us. Trinity Church protects diversity in all its forms by focusing on God’s grace being available to all and living out that grace through acts of love, mercy and justice. ALL are welcome at Trinity Church.
Families of all shapes and sizes are a beloved part of our Trinity family!
On most Sundays during the school year, kids in PreK-6th grade are invited to leave the 9:30am worship service following Children’s Time to have safe, fun, and engaging Sunday School classes at their age-level. Students can be picked up from their classrooms downstairs following the worship service.
We also have a staffed nursery for young children just down the hall from the worship space, and an accessible restroom with changing table is located just off the narthex or other activities. All caregivers in our church nursery have been trained in first aid and safety. The nursery is currently staffed between 9:00am and 10:45am on Sunday mornings.
Yes! We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, and everyone is invited to receive the sacrament. You don’t need to be a member of Trinity or a member of a church anywhere to be welcome to receive communion. All persons seeking God’s love and forgiveness are welcome.
In United Methodist tradition, communion elements consist of bread and grape juice. A gluten-free bread is available for those that need it.
Parking at a neighborhood congregation like Trinity Church can be a challenge, but that’s why we have our own parking lot!
Whether you are joining us for weekend worship or stopping in during the week, our parking lot just outside the church entrance is the best place to park. Limited street parking is also available.
There are many ways, but here are a few ideas…
Participate in Worship
Worship is at the heart of what we do. When we sing, pray, and reflect on scripture together, we have the opportunity to build Christian community.Receive Church Communications
The people of Trinity Church are always up to something, and the best way to keep up with what’s going on is through our main communication tool called Flocknote. When you sign up, you’ll receive the emails and text messages we send out to our members and friends.Attend a Group or Class
We have a variety of groups and classes to get plugged into no matter your age or life experience. Learn more about current opportunities here on our website or sign up for Flocknote and see what’s happening, and you can always contact the church office for more information or help.Attend a Membership Class
Finally, if you’re at all curious about joining the church or learning more about our ministries, let us know by checking that you’re “interested in membership” when you check-in during worship. When a number of people are interested, Pastor Eric will hold a new member class where we have discussions about our United Methodist faith tradition and the ministries of Trinity Church.
When you visit Trinity Church for the first time, we’ll make a donation in your name to one of local ministry partners.
All you need to do is check-in on our website or use the card in your pew!

Trinity Church is a
United Methodist congregation.
The people of Trinity Church are part of a worldwide connection of more than 12 million members in Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States called The United Methodist Church.
The mission of The United Methodist Church is to
make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.