Advent Study Opportunities

Daily Advent Devotion Emails

They were very popular last year, so now they're back! Each day beginning December 3, we'll send a simple daily devotion with a short scripture reading, reflection, and prayer straight to your inbox. 

To sign up, CLICK HERE or contact the church office. If you received these devotions last Advent, you will automatically receive them this year!

“An Unlikely Advent” Study

“An Unlikely Advent” is a four-week study that focuses on the experiences of four sets of often overlooked characters in the Nativity story. Author Rachel Billups will guide us through the themes of hope, love, joy and peace by sharing stories of Elizabeth and Zechriah, Herod, the Magi and the shepherds. Each set of ‘unlikely’ characters has something to teach us about living faithfully on our journey to Christmas Day.

Monday and Wednesday small groups will be held at the church with a Zoom option available if requested. The Saturday small group will be in-person only at Nunatak Coffee Roasters.

Books will be available in the church office for $13 each. Scholarships are available.

Thursday Devotions

Our Thursday Devotions group, which reads daily devotions based on the lectionary, will reflect on the themes of Advent together each Thursday at 2:00pm in Cozy Corner.


Fun Opportunities for All on December 15!


Supporting Local Salvation Army Efforts